I'm pleased to
inform you of the publication of the European Tort Law Yearbook 2008, a
co-production of the European Centre for Tort and Insurance Law (ECTIL) and the
Institute for European Tort Law. The Yearbook provides a comprehensive review
of the latest developments in tort law in Europe, with reports on most EU Member
States as well as Norway and Switzerland, a special report on EU tort law
developments, and my own comparative overview.
Yearbook 2008 also
contains four papers on the topic of the burden of proof, including a
predictably fascinating and challenging essay, "Proving Facts : Belief versus
Probability", by regular list contributor Richard W Wright, plus the text of
Michele Graziadei's thought-provoking opening lecture, "What went wrong? Tort
law, personal responsibility, expectations of proper care and compensation",
from our last Annual Conference on European Tort Law.
Further info
on the Institute website here.
Date for your
diaries: the 9th Annual Conference on European Tort Law will be held in
Vienna from 8th to 10th April 2010. I'll post further details in due
for European Tort Law
Reichsratsstrasse 17/2,
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel. (+43-1) 4277-29
662, Fax (+43-1) 4277-29 670